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APAY 2020 Executive Committee Meeting Held through Zoom


On the afternoon of July 2 and 3, 2020, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (Hereinafter referred to as "APAY") held Executive Committee Meeting (hereinafter referred to as "ECM"). One hundred four (104) registered delegates and representatives from 22 movements in the Asia-Pacific region attended the meeting, including APAY board members, national general secretaries and presidents of YMCAs, etc. National Council of the YMCAs in China (hereinafter referred to as the "NCY China") attended the meeting as a related YMCA at the invitation of APAY.
As an annual meeting of APAY, the ECM aims to review and adopt new Quadrennial Program Plan (QPP) 2020~2023. The plan mainly involves  6 Standing Committees with different functions, namely, (i) Mission and Response Committee, (ii) Youth Participation and Leadership Development Committee (iii) Gender Equity Committee (iv) Finance and Administration Committee (v) Golden Anniversary Trust Fund Committee and (vi) Constitutional Matters.the
Carlos Sanvee, General Secretary of the World YMCA, paid tribute to APAY's active response to the COVID-19 outbreak in his address. The YMCA in the Asia Pacific countries and regions started unhesitatingly to carry out anti-pandemic programs, including spreading anti-pandemic information, distributing protective materials, expanding online services. He inspired YMCAs at all levels to weather the storm together, support each other, and reach out to communities with more timely response and higher quality services.
The Quadrennial Program Plan (QPP) 2020~2023, as well as relevant programs to be undertaken, was presented by each standing committee,. Take YPLD Committee as an example, it has set up objectives for the next four years: to encourage national movements to build strong youth participation and leadership development that leads to movement relevancy and social transformation, to foster a sense of responsibility in youth development. To achieve these objectives, the Committee plans to organize the Asia-pacific Student and Youth Forum, the Fifth Youth Assembly, the Mental Health Forum and leadership development training in the next four years.
NCY China makes use of this opportunity to learn about the development and trend of APAY, to build up connections with general secretaries of YMCAs from different countries and regions online, and to learn about the operation of APAY from the perspective of finance, programming and administration, so as to lay a good foundation for China YMCA’s better participation on the international stage in the future.
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