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Deliver Warmth and Safeguard Security ----China YMCA and YMCA Donates Face Masks for the Delivery Boys

For the Chinese, the Spring Festival is the most anticipated time after a year of hard work. It is also the traditional day for family reunion. However, in 2021, in response to the government's call to fight the virus, many delivery boys choose to stay in Shanghai to celebrate the Chinese New Year instead of going back to their hometowns for family reunions. 
Delivery boys work hard to ensure the smooth distribution of living supplies for the citizens. During the epidemic, they are also committed to the normal operation of the city and play an important role in reducing the risk of the spread of the virus. However, for them, while reducing the probability of infecting others, they also face more risks of being infected. Therefore, to protect our delivery boys is also to safeguard our city.
On the occasion of the arrival of the Spring Festival, we sent face masks to the delivery boys who have been busy for a year, protecting their safety and offering our care. On February 9th, 2021, National Council of YMCAs/YWCAs of China, Shanghai YMCA/YMCA as well as Shanghai Hua 'ai Foundation donated 100,000 masks to delivery boys of Yunda Express Shanghai Distribution Center and held a donation ceremony. The masks were donated by a benevolent company Daddy Baby and Fujian CC and TSPM.
Participated in the event were leaders and staff of National Council, Shanghai YMCA/YWCA and Shanghai Hua 'ai Charity Foundation, leaders of United Front Work Department of Qingpu District, representatives of CC and TSPM of Qingpu District, General Manager of Yunda Shanghai Distribution Center, Director of Media Operation Department of Yunda Headquarters and Chairman of Shanghai Yunda Charity Foundation, etc. "Stay in Shanghai for the Chinese New Year, Transfer Warmth and Safeguard Security" has become our common aspiration.
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