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Series of Training -Responsibility in Social Development ----Fourth Training Session in 2021

 On the afternoon of October 16, 2021, National Council carried out the fourth session of series training ---Responsibility in Social Development. The training featured an online summary of Y Innovation Project (including 99 Charity Day projects) and a lecture for depression prevention advocacy.. "A Sunny Mind, More Sunlight in Life" was the second professional lecture in 2021 on depression prevention, which was part of the Depression Prevention Initiative launched by National Council --- "Eliminating Discrimination against Depression to Make Life Easier", marking the further deepening of the Y Innovation projects. This training (both online and offline) brought together more than 160 staff and volunteers from local YMCAs and YWCAs .

The training came ahead of the third Youth Led Solutions Summits on the topic of mental health and wellbeing organized by the World YMCA on 10 October. National General Secretary Dr. Wu Jianrong shared with participants challenges and solutions facing mental health in today's world. He stressed that as a social organization in a global context, China Y was not only one of the participants in the summit, but also responsibility holder to tell fantastic Chinese stories and make China better understood by the world. Moreover, China Y should carry out social services in response to social needs in the process of synchronizing with the world.

At present, the Depression Prevention Initiative has progressed to the second stage, which features the combination of online and offline trainings. This is a joint learning and growth project between the National Council and local YMCAs.
On the afternoon of October 17th, an offline Workshop on Mental Health and well-being was officially launched and its first activity was held. As an international social organization that keeps innovating and advancing with the times, China Y will be committed to making more people and families know and discover the symptoms of depression as early as possible so that patients can  receive early treatment and recover soon. Combined with our traditional social service projects, China YMCA and YWCA will continue to empower, inspire and mobilize as more people as possible to achieve a healthy and harmonious society.



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